Change WordPress Theme Via Database

How To Change WordPress Theme Via Database Without Coding?

Every WordPress blog needs a theme to give it a beautiful look. The theme you use may be free or premium and you will see the name on the dashboard and the themes’ section.

You can change the theme from the admin area. But do you know how to change WordPress theme via database? Yes, you can do that.

WordPress gives you the freedom to do a lot of things with your blog. In this tutorial, you will learn how to change WordPress theme via database without any coding.

Most of the people get scared when they read that coding is involved.

Use Your cPanel And Change The Theme of Your Blog.

There are a few steps required to change WordPress theme via database. I am going to walk you through the process step by step.

Step 1:- Login to your cPanel and open the phpMyAdmin from the database section.

Step 2:- Select the name of the database from the left-hand side menu. You will see all the databases in the list. Choose the database you are using for your blog right now.

Step 3:- Many rows will be showing to you. From which, you have to click on “wp_options“.

Step 4:- All the rows and columns present in this file will be showing to you. If you don’t see all the files then click on “see all“.

Step 5:- You have to find two fields from all the rows.

  • Template
  • Stylesheet

Step 6:- Click on the edit option along with the “template” row and you will reach to a new page. In the filed against “option_value” you will see the name of the theme you are using.

Just change it with the theme you want to install from the WordPress repository.

Step 7:- The same thing should be done for the stylesheet. Just edit it and change the theme name.

After visiting your blog, you will notice that a brand new theme would be there. You have accomplished your goal to change WordPress theme via database.

NOTE:- You can only change WordPress theme via database which is available in the WordPress repository.

If you have bought a new theme from any theme provider then you can’t change it with this method.

Isn’t That Easy To Change WordPress Theme Via Database?

There are two things running your WordPress blog. The WordPress data and the database. I hope you know how to create a new database.

Apart from that, as shown above, you can change the theme of your blog. Such types of steps are taken when you are not able to login to your WordPress admin panel or your website has been hacked.

But if you want to try something new then the usage of the database will be beneficial for you.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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